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Establishment of a Forest Garden (Skovhaven)

Date interview: May 16 2016
Name interviewer: Noel Longhurst
Name interviewee: Maria Temponoras
Position interviewee: Co-founder of Omstilling Ry and former member of core group.

Social-technical relations Social-economic relations Reputation/legitimacy New Doing Networking Local/regional government Expertise Emergence Connecting Civil Society organizations

This is a CTP of initiative: Omstilling Ry (Transition Ry - Denmark)

This CTP relates to a project led by Omstilling Ry which led to the establishment of a forest garden in Ry. This is a designed agronomic system based on trees, shrubs and perennial plants.

The development of forest gardens is a common practice promoted by the ecological design approach of Permaculture, the principles of which have strongly influenced the Transition movement.

The forest garden is a significant turning point because it is a visible manifestation of Transition. As a site, it really stands-out because it is very fertile with lots of different plants, whereas the land around it is barren. It provides a space where Transition people can meet. For example, they had a summer party last year. Other people can see what they are doing and can participate without having to commit to other activities. It provides a way into transition. For example, some people came to help with the garden but are now in the core group.


A number of different elements were combined to create the forest garden.

Firstly, there was the vision. The idea of a forest garden had been a long time ambition of members of Omstilling Ry who had long discussed how they might develop a project and explored opportunities as they arose.

Second, there was a need for knowledge around the techniques of forest gardening. Tine (one of the other key activists in Transition Ry) has been interested in Forest Gardening for some time. She had attended some courses and also did a permaculture certificate.

Thirdly, there is a need for a site. Finding a site took quite some time. They had previously talked to some people at a co-housing site about some land they could use. It is the community where Maria now lives (she didn’t at that point). There was a south facing slope but it is a bit outside the town (4 km). However, they decided it would be better if it was on public ground.

They had been talking to different departments of the local municipality. There is the environmental part and then the land use/ roads department. These don’t always mix. It was all about finding the right person. Two people were critical in supporting the project and one particularly helped them to secure a site. He was a member of the municipality of Skanderborg (the local town) and a member of a big right wing party. He was also influential in the Ry sports hall committee. 

Transition activists developed a connection to him when they became part of an "activity house". This is a building that the municipality owns that they let different community groups use for free.

The councillor is also involved in that project. He was initially sceptical about Transition having a place in the activity house, but he was eventually persuaded as a transition activist took on the tiny garden and they also helped clean the house and look after it. It showed that they were positive and responsible people and broke down barriers. He was aware that they wanted some land for the forest garden and, because of his involvement with the sports hall where there was a lot of available land, he suggested that Omstillling Ry could have some land for the project.

Another important supporter was the person who was responsible for the public forest which is run by the municipality - growing and selling trees. This man was trained as a forest person so he was interested in the project due to his forestry background, but he normally has to operate commercially as his budget is determined by the timber that he sells. He can use this for paths and shelters and tables. He would like more of the public forest to be natural but is somewhat constrained by the way he has to work so he was supportive of the project. He helped with the paperwork.

There was also some financial support from the municipality and some other funds to help it get established.

There is a forest garden group of volunteers who are active and help run the project.

Related events

There were not really any significant preceding events.
The idea was one which had been there from the beginning of Omstilling Ry. It was a project that took some years to develop.
Every time they had a meeting with the municipality they would bring it up to try and see if it was something that they could take forward.
It has led to some subsequent events:
Every 2nd week, there is an open working afternoon so people can come and see what it is about. It has provided the opportunity of cooperation with other groups in the town which has led to a number of different collaborations. For example, there are people who arrange a programme of outdoor activities. The forest garden has been used within that wider programme. 
It has also led to more co-operation with the municipality. A recent example is there is a European twinning project with people from  Italy, Sweden, Spain, from three different towns in which Skanderborg is also a partner. It focuses on sustainability. So people from the municipality have visited other places and now they are visiting here, including the forest garden. They are going to collect some plants and have lunch. Then there is going to be a public meeting. The municipality wanted to use the forest garden.
There are also some links with schools. For example, there is also a link to the local folk high school which is an adult education institution that started in the 1920s. The one in Ry is developing a course where they include sustainability which will use the forest garden.
They have also invited Syrian refugees to help in the garden. 


There hasn’t been any contestation, everybody has backed this project.


The forest garden was an idea floating around for a long time. A lot of what the Transition project does relates to ideas or changing the way that people think.

It is significant that they now have this place that is a visible manifestation, which is one of the 12 steps of transition. It is one of their best projects and they now have something tangible to show people.


There are two important learning points from this project. The first is that if you keep working on a goal it might happen eventually. The second is that you might find that people you did not expect can be allies.
The forest garden directly contributes to their goals and it will only grow in significance in the coming years. It is now mostly about working together but as it matures it will actually produce more food. They have various plans for the future and hope that it might inspire more people to grow their own vegetables. Other ideas include seed swapping and giving away plants.

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