Impact Hub King’s Cross is a community of social businesses addressing local and global challenges. They share a common co-working space North of the Thames, and are one of four Impact Hub locations in London. The Impact Hub King’s Cross is part of a global network of connected communities that enable collaborative social ventures to start-up and grow.
After the first Hub was opened in London in 2005, other Hubs followed all over the world between 2007 and 2009. This posed challenges in terms of governance structures and investment issues and impacted both the global networks as well as the local manifestations.
Referred to as 'the transition', between 2010-2011, the global governance changed from being organised through a social franchise to a structure consisting of an Association of which all Impact Hubs are members and a Company that is owned by the Association.
After a period of building up tension the ownership of Impact Hub King's Cross changed. This change was also a change in governance structure and finally resulted in a significant improvement of the financial situation and organizational character.
In June 2012 a new manager started working at Impact Hub King's Cross. At that time the organization needed to improve in multiple ways. Because of her effort IH KC was able to professionalize, resulting in smoother operations and a financially healthy company.
The scaling programme ran from may 2015-may 2016 and helps business to scale in another country. As such it is delivering on the purpose to be globally connected without losing the local roots. It demonstrates an important objective that was formerly superficial.
In October 2015 a new software program was introduced at IH Kings Cross. It automized the booking system and financial transactions between the IH KC and its members. It changed the complete cash flow of the IH KC and affected the day-today- practices of the staff.
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