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Red de Semillas (Spain)

Red de Semillas (Spain)
Tags: Values Things coming together Social-ecological relations Reputation/legitimacy Networking Motivation Lobbying Identity Expertise Civil Society organizations

In April 1999, a small group of people involved in the organic agricultural, ecological and rural development movement in Spain organized a workshop in Madrid on agricultural biodiversity issues in which they laid the foundations of the organization. Later, in 2005, a non-profit association was established and nowadays, the Spanish seed network (Red de Semillas “Resembrando e Intercambiando”-RdS) is an informal federation that brings together 20-25 local seed networks that are distributed throughout Spain. The members of these local groups are farmers and farmer organizations, technicians, agricultural experts, supporters of responsible consumption, local action groups, university staff and students, activists in ecological movements, researchers and other groups and people interested in developing a different agri-food system. The main objectives of RdS are the reintroduction of local, traditional and farmers’ varieties in the framework of agro-ecological agri-food systems, the concept of food autonomy and the central role of family farming. The aim is to help coordinate activities and actions at national and international levels.

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  • 1999

    Approval of the European directive regarding conservation varieties

    This critical turning point consists of the reactions of the organization to the new European Union directive related to conservation varieties.

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    6 related events

  • 2004

    Approval of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

    This CTP consists of the effects of the International Seed Treaty to RdS.

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    6 related events

  • 2005

    Red de Semillas set up their own association

    This CTP describes the process how a working group inside a rural development platform formalized and set up their own association, named Red de Semillas.

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    1 related events

  • 2006

    Approval of the new seed legislation in Spain

    The CTP consists of the reactions of the RdS to the new seed legislation in Spain in 2006.

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    3 related events

  • 2008

    Creating an association of local seed networks – the progress of Red de Semillas

    This CTP describes the process how RdS became a federation.

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    3 related events

  • 2013

    Changing the coordination of the organization

    The CTP consists of the momentum of changing in the coordination of the organization, which can be dated to 2013.

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    5 related events

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