In case you cannot access an article or book chapter, please contact the first author for a copy.
1. Avelino, F. and Wittmayer, J.M. (2016) Shifting Power Relations in Sustainability Transitions: A Multi-actor Perspective, Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning, 18(5), 628-649,
2. Avelino, F. (2017) Power in Sustainability Transitions. Analysing Power and (Dis)Empowerment in Transformative Change towards Environmental and Social Sustainability, Journal of Environmental Policy & Governance, available online:
3. Avelino, F. and Wittmayer, J.M, (2017) A Multi-actor Perspective on Urban Sustainability Transitions, chapter in: Niki Frantzeskaki, Vanessa Castan-Broto, Lars Coenen, Derk Loorbach (eds), Urban Sustainability Transitions, Routledge
4. Avelino, F., J.M. Wittmayer, B. Pel, P. Weaver, A. Dumitru, A. Haxeltine, R. Kemp, M.S. Jørgensen, T. Bauler, S. Ruijsink, T. O’Riordan (2017), Transformative Social Innovation and (Dis)Empowerment, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, available online:
5. Avelino, F., Wittmayer, J.M., Kemp, R. and A. Haxeltine (2017) Editorial synthesis: Transformative Social Innovation and Game changers. Ecology and Society.https://www.ecologyandsociety.
6. Backhaus, J., Genus, A., Wittmayer, J.M. (2018) Introduction: The nexus of social innovation, sustainable consumption and societal transformation. In: J. Backhaus, A. Genus, S. Lorek, E. Vadovics, J.M. Wittmayer (eds) Social Innovation and Sustainable Consumption: Research and Action for Societal Transformation. Routledge. pp 1-11
7. Backhaus, J., van Lente, H. & Kemp, R. (2018). The idea(l) of a ‘sustainable sharing economy’: four social science perspectives on transformative change, In: J. Backhaus, A. Genus, S. Lorek, E. Vadovics & J.M. Wittmayer (eds) Social Innovation and Sustainable Consumption: Research and Action for Societal Transformation. London: Routledge
8. Bauler, T., Pel, B. & Backhaus, J. (2017), Institutionalization processes in transformative social innovation; capture dynamics in the social solidarity economy and basic income initiatives, in Cohen, M. Szejnwald Brown, H. & Vergragt, P. (eds.) (2017), Social Change and the Coming of Post-Consumer Society, pp. 78-94.
9. Cipolla, C., Afonso, R., Pel, B., Bartholo, R., Silva, E. & Proença, D. (2017), Co-produced game-changing in transformative social innovation: reconnecting the ‘broken city’ of Rio de Janeiro, Ecology & Society 22(3):3.
10. Cipolla, C., Serpa, B., Afonso, R. (in press). Design for Social Innovation between University and the broader society: a mutual learning process, Mix Sustentável.
11. Frantzeskaki, N., Dumitru, A., Anguelovski, I., Avelino, F., Bach, M., Best, B., Binder, C., Barnes, J., Carrus, J., Egermann, M., Haxeltine, A., Moore, M.L., Mira, R.G., Loorbach, D., Uzzell, D., Omman, I., Olsson, P., Silvestri, G., Stedman, R., Wittmayer, J., Durrant, R., and Rauschmeyer, F., (2016), Elucidating the changing roles of civil society in urban sustainability transitions, Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 22, 41-50.
12. Garrido, Santiago y Moreira, Josefina (2017) Farming together, learning together, and improving together. A Socio-technical analysis of the development of inter-cooperative fish-farming projects in Argentina, Innovation and Development.
13. Gordon, A., Becerra, L., & Fressoli, M. (2017). Potentialities and Constraints in the Relation between Social Innovation and Public Policies: Some Lessons from South America. Ecology and Society, 22(4):2. https://www.ecologyandsociety.
14. Haxeltine, A., Avelino, F., Wittmayer, J.M., Kunze, I., Longhurst, N., Dumitru, A., and T. O’Riordan (2018) Conceptualising the role of social innovation in sustainability transformations, In: Julia Backhaus, Audley Genus, Sylvia Lorek, Edina Vadovics, Julia M. Wittmayer (eds.) Social Innovation and Sustainable Consumption: Research and Action for Societal Transformation. Routledge
15. Haxeltine, A., Pel, B., Wittmayer, J., Dumitru, A., Kemp, R. & Avelino, A. (in press), Building a middle-range theory of Transformative Social Innovation; theoretical pitfalls and methodological responses, European Public and Social Innovation Review.
16. Hölscher, K., Wittmayer, J.M., Avelino, F., Giezen, M. (2017). Opening up the transition arena: An analysis of (dis)empowerment of civil society actors in transition management in cities. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. (online first).
17. Longhurst, N., Avelino, F., Wittmayer, J., Weaver, P., Dumitru, A., Heilscher, S., Cipolla, C., Afonso, R., Kunze, I. and Elle, M. (2016), Experimenting with alternative economies: four emergent counter-narratives of urban economic development, Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 22, 69-74
18. Loorbach, D., F. Avelino, A. Haxeltine, J. M. Wittmayer, T. O'Riordan, P. Weaver and R. Kemp. 2016. The economic crisis as a game changer? Exploring the role of social construction in sustainability transitions. Ecology and Society 21 (4):15. [online] URL:
19. McFarland, K. & Wittmayer, J. M. (2018). Hitting a policy wall: the transformative potential and limitations of community pick-up point schemes, In: J. Backhaus, A. Genus, S. Lorek, E. Vadovics & J. M. Wittmayer (eds.) Social Innovation and Sustainable Consumption: Research and Action for Societal Transformation. London: Routledge
20. Pel, B., Wallenborn, G. & Bauler, T. (2016), Emergent transformation games: exploring social innovation agency and activation through the case of the Belgian Electricity blackout threat. Ecology and Society 21 (2): 17. URL:
21. Pel, B. & Bauler, T. (2017), A Transitions-theoretical perspective on the Social Economy; exploring capture dialectics in Flemish ‘insertion’ practices, Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 88(2), 279-298,
22. Pel, B., Dorland, J., Wittmayer, J. & Jørgensen, M.S. (in press), Detecting Social Innovation agents; Methodological reflections on units of analysis in dispersed transformation processes, European Public and Social Innovation Review.
23. Smith, A. (2016) Alternative technology niches and sustainable development: 12 years on, Innovation: Management and Organization. Published online (October). DOI:
24. Thomas, H.; Becerra, L. & Garrido, S. (2017), Technological systems, power and counter-power: analysis of socio-technical dynamics of counter-hegemony and resistance, Godin, Benoit y Vinck, Dominique (Eds.): Critical Studies of Innovation. Alternative Approaches to the Pro-Innovation Bias, Edward Elgar Publishing, ISBN: 978-1-78536-696-3.
25. Westley, F. R., K. A. McGowan, N. Antadze, J. Blacklock, and O. Tjornbo. 2016. How game changers catalyzed, disrupted, and incentivized social innovation: three historical cases of nature conservation, assimilation, and women’s rights. Ecology and Society 21 (4):13.
26. Wittmayer, J.M., Avelino, F, van Steenbergen, F. and D. Loorbach (2016) Roles in Transition: Insights from role theory for understanding sustainability transitions. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions. Online first:
27. Wittmayer , J.M., Pel, B., Bauler, T. and F. Avelino (in press) Editorial synthesis: Methodological challenges for Social Innovation Research. European Public and Social Innovation Review
Under Review
28. Balázs B. and Aistara G. (2017) Emergence, Dynamics and Agency of Social Innovation in Seed Exchange Networks. SI of International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food. Under review
29. Juarez, P. , Trentini, F. Innovación Social Transformadora en La Vía Campesina: Gobernabilidad, aprendizajes y narrativas para el cambio social global. Submitted to Cuadernos de Desarrollo Rural. Under review
30. Juarez, P., Trentini, F. & Becerra, L. Movimientos globales e innovación social por la soberanía alimentaria: Estudio de caso de La Vía Campesina. Submitted to Revista Apuntes, Perú (Nov 2016), under review.
31. Juarez, P., Trentini, F. & Becerra, L.: Transformative Social Innovation for Food Sovereignty: The Disruptive Alternative. Submitted to International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food, UK. (Dic 2016). Under review
32. Pel, B. & Backhaus, J., Realizing the Basic Income; the promotion of transformative knowings through competing claims to expertise, Science & Technology Studies. Under review
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