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We have produced various other outputs in TRANSIT. The overview includes links to the items that are available online.

Non peer-reviewed publications

1. Backhaus, J. (2017). Crossing boundaries: the curious case of basic income, In: H. van Lente, T. Swierstra, S. Wyatt, R. Zeiss (eds.) Wegwijs in STS - Knowing your way in STS, Maastricht University Science, Technology and Society Studies (MUSTS) 

2. Cipolla, C., Bartholo Jr, R.S., Afonso, R.C.M..Design for social innovation in favela in Rio de Janeiro: from Occupy Wall Street to 'Occupy Alemão'. In: DDR 2014 - 4th International Conference on Design, Development & Research, 2014, Cape Town. Proceedings DDR 2014. Cape Town: CPUT - Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2014.

3. Fressoli, M. and A. Smith (2015) Tecnologías de impresión 3D y Fabricación digital: ¿hacia una nueva “revolución tecnológica”?Integration & Trade. In press. Available online:

4. Kunze, Iris (2017): Entwicklung der Ökodorf-Forschung. In: Freundeskreis Ökodorf e.V.(Hg.):  20 Jahre Ökodorf – Erfahrungen, Reflexion und Resümee 1997 – 2017. Eurotopia-Verlag, ISBN 987-3-9816860-6-7

5. Smith, A. (2014) Technology networks for socially useful production, Journal of Peer Production. ISSN: 2213-5316.

6. Smith. A. and A. Stirling (2016) Grassroots innovation and democracy, STEPS Centre Working Paper 89, Brighton: STEPS Centre.

7. Thomas, H., Juarez, P., F. Picabea (eds.)(2015) What are Technologies for Social Inclusion? , Collection "Technology and Development”, booklet N°1.Editorial Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Available online:


Audio (Radio & Podcasts)

1. Smith, A. (2015) Restart Party podcast, episode 3 on 'searching for the roots of grassroots innovation' in relation to electronic repair parties. Restart Party. Available online: 

2. Smith, A. (2015) RNE3 Siglo 21 radio programme in Spain, talking about 'innovation ciudadana' (citizen innovation). 



1. Smith, A. (2015) Tooling Up: Civic visions, FabLabs, and grassroots activism, The Guardian, 4 April 2015. Available online:

2. Kunze, Iris (2016): Vauban als Fallbeispiel einer internationalen Studie zu Wohnkooperativen und sozialen Innovationen In: Info Vauban S.7-8, Magazin Nr.37, 18.05.2016

3. Kunze, Iris (2016): Internationale Forschungsstudie über Slow Food – Convivium Freiburg als Fallbeispiel untersucht. In: Schneckenpost 01/2016, Slow Food Freiburg 



1. Emans, D., Van de Wetering, G., Zuijderwijk, L., & Ruijsink S. (2017) Highlights from the project, TRANSIT video. TRANSIT: EU SSH.2013.3.2-1 Grant agreement no: 613169. Link: 

2. Emans, D., Van de Wetering, G., Zuijderwijk, L., & Ruijsink S. (2017)  Hybrid relations, TRANSIT video. TRANSIT: EU SSH.2013.3.2-1 Grant agreement no: 613169. Link:

3. Emans, D., Van de Wetering, G., Zuijderwijk, L., & Ruijsink S. (2017) Narratives of change, TRANSIT video, TRANSIT: EU SSH.2013.3.2-1 Grant agreement no: 613169. Link:

4. Emans, D., Van de Wetering, G., Zuijderwijk, L., & Ruijsink S. (2017) Inclusivity, TRANSIT video, TRANSIT: EU SSH.2013.3.2-1 Grant agreement no: 613169. Link:

5. Moreira, J. & Juarez, P. (2014): Diego Ramilo (INTA), TRANSIT Social Innovation Project, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, 10 y 11 de septiembre.

6. Moreira, J. & Juarez, P. (2014): José Pablo Sabatino, Cooperativa ICECOOP, TRANSIT Social Innovation Project, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, 10 y 11 de septiembre. Disponible en:

7. Moreira, J. & Juarez, P. (2014): Leandro Monk (FACTIC), TRANSIT Social Innovation Project, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, 10 y 11 de septiembre. Link:

8. Moreira, J. & Juarez, P. (2014): Lorena Paz ( & UTN), TRANSIT Social Innovation Project, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, 10 y 11 de septiembre. Link:

9. Moreira, J. & Juarez, P. (2014): Paula Juarez, TRANSIT Social Innovation Project, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, 10 y 11 de septiembre.  Link:

10. TRANSIT. (2015) [About TRANSIT video], TRANSIT: EU SSH.2013.3.2-1 Grant agreement no: 613169. Link:


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