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Initiatives tagged: Theme 5


Shareable‐ ShareBloomington (USA)

Shareable‐ ShareBloomington (USA)

June 1 2013

ShareBloomington is based on the idea sharing of goods and services. It exists to connect, promote and catalyse projects within the sharing culture and seeks to build networks of commons, gifts, and exchange that are not mediated by financial transactions. More

FabLab 3 (North‐East England)

FabLab 3 (North‐East England)

January 1 2012

FL3 is a machine lab/working space located in a city in the North of England. The space comprises desks, attached to a workshop containing electronics equipment, 3d printers, vacuum former, CNC mill and laser cutters. The organisation was founded in 2011. NB.... More

Shareable‐ShareableAthens (Greece)

Shareable‐ShareableAthens (Greece)

June 1 2011

There are a number of sharing economy initiatives in Athens, such as co-working spaces, time-bank, etc. (linked to e.g. hackerspaces and Ripess) mentioned on the Shareable website. In this study we refer to this collection of initiatives as Shareable Athens. More

RIPESS/ APRES‐GE (Switzerland)

RIPESS/ APRES‐GE (Switzerland)

January 1 2004

APRES-GE (Association pour la Promotion de l'Economie Sociale et Solidaire) is the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) network of Geneva (Switzerland). Created in 2004, it gathers today around 280 organizations and 250 individual members. More

BIEN-SUISSE (BIEN-Switzerland)

BIEN-SUISSE (BIEN-Switzerland)

September 1 2001

After the founding of BIEN-SUISSE (BIEN-Switzerland) in 2001 and the Initiative Grundeinkommen (Initiative Basic Income) in 2006, Switzerland saw a surge of activities and activism around a citizen initiative for a popular vote that took place in the summer of... More

RIPESS/ Ecocitrus (Brazil)

RIPESS/ Ecocitrus (Brazil)

January 1 1998

Ecocitrus works with the concepts of sustainable agriculture and cooperatives. The cooperative has developed a process in which the associated farmers have to manage the whole production chain of citrus, keeping the values of fair trade and solidarity economy. More

Slow Food Mexico

Slow Food Mexico

October 1 1996

Slow Food Mexico is the Mexican chapter of the Slow Food movement for Mexico and Central America. counts with 30 local chapters and around 500 associates in the Mexican territory, including some indigenous convivia. More

La Via Campesina/RMRU (Uruguay)

La Via Campesina/RMRU (Uruguay)

May 1 1991

Rural Women Network of Uruguay was founded in 1991 with the aim of improving the living conditions of rural women in Uruguay, seeking their empowerment to personal, family and community levels. More

Volunteer Labour Bank/Network (Japan)

Volunteer Labour Bank/Network (Japan)

January 24 1973

The local manifestation is the Volunteer Labour Bank/Network, Japan. The dynamics of VLB/VLN are explored in relation both to changes in the wider Japanese context and to the development of later Japanese timebanking networks operating on mixed-currency... More

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